Thursday, December 6, 2012

December ... feeling the season!

Not sure there will be a picture with this one. Just an update. So much going on! So much to do! The holidays, buying a house, work, school, church ..... Is it February yet??! Jared and I will surely need a vacation by then! It will be well earned!

House inspection went well. The only real major issue is that the house needs a new roof. Lots of little things that we can do one at a time, but all in all, we are satisfied with things. Now to wait on the appraisal and signing! The sooner the better! Will probably end up spending January moving, which is nice, cause then we can enjoy the holidays without so much stress and be ready for February!

Sold my truck. We are now looking for a 4x4 and a 250 or bigger that will pull the horse trailer with no issues. Jared and I are going snowshoeing Saturday (Probably but hopefully not the only time we get a chance to go this winter with everything else we have going!). Hoping to go look at a truck before we head home.

Cole is doing well in school. Thankfully he just found himself a job! He is working at a hotel in Spokane. I'm thankful for the friend of his that got him the job! I know it will make Cole happy too! Only thing is that he can't come home for the whole month holiday break from College! :(  Will be happy to have him when we can!

Josh just got a $2.50 raise at work! That will be nice! He drives to Mt Vernon to work and home every day! Nice for the fuel money! Remi is getting bigger and more fun every day! I love when I get to babysit her! Or is that Grammy sit??! One of these days she'll be excited to stay with me... opposite of how she is now when she sees Fallon from afar. She is at that age where she is experiencing separation anxiety. It's ok, I understand. We still have fun together!

Ky has had a hard time with our move because we are moving 20 minutes into town. She is a country girl and likes being out here where she grew up, not in Bellingham. I understand that, but when we looked for a house, we knew there was a chance the house we decided was right for us would mean moving into town. We are still blessed and this is a good thing! We will all adjust. When she is done with beauty school, she can get a full time job and move back to the country if she wants. One day we just may do the same! Who knows! As for now, we see signs all the time that this is where we are supposed to be.

One of the neat things that happened is that we got "new neighbors" at our new, "to be ours after closing" house! These new neighbors are LDS and have four daughters! For me, the blessing is also one for Abby, cause one of their daughters is her age! I pray that Abby and Camille become good friends and great examples to each other! The whole family seems very down to earth, strong in the gospel and fun!

Booked our honeymoon last week! We are going on a 7 day, Western Caribbean cruise! We leave from New Orleans and go down to Mexico then back up. My only fear is my motion sickness. I hope it is ok like people say. I am looking forward to an actual honeymoon with the man who is everything that I could ever need in my life! Someone who loves me for and with my flaws also! He is amazing! Is there another word? Probably, but it wouldn't do justice any better than amazing, so that's the word I'll settle for. I just feel totally unworthy of this man! So blessed!

Jared's boys will be doing a lot this next year, I can see. Jared wants to get them both through driver's ed class and working jobs. I think this is going to be a nice next year! I look forward to starting a new chapter in our lives! Feeling the holiday spirit, even though funds are limited due to the house and wedding, I pray I can still get the kids gifts to make them smile!

1 comment:

  1. If you can't find a private sale for the vehicles you are looking for give Michael George a shout out down at Wilson Motors. He is the BEST! No pressure sales and looks for the absolute best deal for you. Seriously, no joke. Let him know Amy Anderson sent you if you decide to give him a chance. He's our neighbor too and will treat you right.

    So excited for all your happiness.
